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Sometimes we may find ourselves in need of some extra motivation, encouragement and inspiration. Therefore, we have put together some invaluable resources that can guide you along your Christian journey. This page has been created to give you some resources, direction and prompts to dig deeper into your faith. Click on the relevant logos to head to what interests you. Enjoy and be blessed!


PRAYERMATE: an app for a smartphone which enables you to build up prayer lists and share them with others

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Pray for the World Church: regularly updated news on how you can pray for the church around the world

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Reading the Bible

Bible in One Year: available by email or via the app, this offers a daily dose of Bible reading with encouraging notes to help you understand it from Nicky Gumbel

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Visual Commentary on Scripture: a beautiful and thoughtful exploration of how art and the Biblical story interact

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Other Resources

The Presbyterian Church of Trinidad and Tobago: get all relevant information regarding the PCTT


The Trinidad Presbyterian (TP) Newsletter

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